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Pre Handback Inspection

Sometimes, end of the lease event can be unpleasant if the property is not prepared or not up to Landlord's expectation, leading to claims and deductions from the security deposit. It is a good practice to invite the Landlord and / or his representative to inspect the Premises at least one week before the actual handback date so that all parties can be on the same page to exit the Tenancy Agreement cordially and smoothly.

Beware that some agents claim that minor repair clause no longer applies to repairs identified on the handback day itself (as the Tenancy Agreement would have expired) and hence, Tenant might be made to pay the repairs in full. We suggest you to seek professonal advice on the interpretation of the Tenancy Agreement if ever such disputes arise.

Some tenants do not recognise some defects as they have never used them or be bothered by them. For instance, the defective balcony door lock might be neglected because the balcony door never needed to be locked. Some windows might never have been opened from Day 1 so when it can no longer be opened, Tenants will claim "it has been like this since Day 1 and I have never touched it" but Landlords will claim "I have rented the whole house to you including the windows so you will need to maintain it."

During pre-handback inspection, landlord might have spotted some defects but agreed to waive them out of goodwill. So no all defects need to be waived if there are such agreements. If Landlord's intention to renovate the house (after Tenant's moving out) is made known to the Tenant, then both parties can discuss the cleaning schedule or payment in lieu of cleaning, disposal of furniture, SP services' transfer date from outgoing party to incoming party etc

Hope both parties will have a pleasant discussion. Give and Take lah ! Finally we like to share some life philosophy on Give and Take....

* We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we get.

* When you have given nothing, ask for nothing.

* No one has ever become poor by giving

* Life will give to the givers and take from the takers

* Give and Take makes good friends.

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